Hi to everyone. I am new here. I join in this group cos of m

Hi to everyone. I am new here. I join in this group cos of my brother who has Hepa C. I feel sad seeing him like loosing hope. I want to help him but at this moment I don't have that enough money to support his inject for what he started to treat his deases. May I please ask if their is an affordable herbal for treating this?

@PurpleJen Hi and welcome. Unfortunately, the only know cure for hep c is by using pharmaciutical..The drugs no doubt, are very expensive.Without insurance, they are unaffordable to most patients.Depending on your location and circumstances, help may be available for your brother through the pharmaciutical companys.Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thanks Searay I just wanted to know if their is a herbal for this cos I just heard Gensing? Just want to be sure.

There are herbal remedies to promote liver health and the dicussion could be endless. I wish I could offer some optimism with herbals but, not if we are talking chronic hep c. I was infected 30 years ago and not cured until last year. Over the years I heard of many different herbals, most of which my Dr dissaproved.. The only over the counter supplement he was OK with was Milk Thistle, again, not as a cure, but for liver health.