Ho do you explain something when theres no real answer?

I have been fghting with my boyfriend lately because I have been very depressed and distant. I feel very alone and it hurts. I have been fasting for the past week again, and have droppd some weight. I just need some advice because my boyfriend keps asking me why? WHY?? Isnt that the question we all want to know? How can I really explain my true feelings to why I starve myself, Why I am so depressed? Is there realy a answer?

Yes, there is an answer! There is probably too many to actually pinpoint just one. The starvation-depression relationship go hand in hand. It's a vicious cycle. If you truly want to get out of that cycle and get back to the life you once remembered as happy and carefree then you need to:
1. admit that this problem you have is a disorder and it far more complicated and dangerous than you think.
2. get professional help with your disorder.
Make the choice.

It is like i know have a problm but i hate hearing it. When ihear that my eating needs to change from my boyfriend, i feel like i look bad, or im not goo enough then i start getting angry and very mean.

I dont know why i get so angry, question is it because i have low self eteem and when he says things i feel lke im not good enough.