Hi im 14 years old,
Ive been dealing with these symtoms for a month or so now and I just cant take it anymore so I did some research and came to you guys to air it out, Didnt go to yahoo and all those other ones becuase I feel like there all just opinoins and not facts. Im dealing with the symptoms of HOCD (I think)... It all started about a month ago when a buddy of mine approached me and we got talking and he gave me a pill, (adderall) and so I was like whats this blah blah, and I really had no idea what it was other than it made you stay up all night. So the next morning I took it, went through out the day like normal came home from school, went to bed, or tried to, and I layed there starring up at the cieling. And this sudden though of me being gay popped into my head and ever sense then its been drivving me to insanity. Before I took this pill I knew a %100 that I was hetrosexual and Ive been going through peuberty for a while, I had pretty much a full out mustache in the beggining of 7th grade and before this pill I absloutley hated gay people... So the next day I was going crazy I didnt know what to do, so I did do some research on it and found that these "mood swings could last up to 5 days" So I just went with my buisness throughout those 5 days with it still the though of being gay was making me feel depressed and just blah and low motovation. It sucked, but I delt through it for those 5 days thinking itd go away... 5 days go by and it got worse, a week went by and it was very bad... I asked god for help, seemed to of gotten better. But here are the symptoms ive been experiencing over the past month, fear of gay people, second guessing myself and thoughts, and catching myself looking at guys body parts that wierds me out... We have this one gay kid at out school, and he creeps me out so bad, that I see him and walk the other, we also have this diversity flag hanging in the front entrance and every time I walk by it creeps me out, my head will be like "youll be represtend by that one day" and I will freak out and start sweating bullets, if I see that gay kid comming in the hall Ill start thinking wierd thoughts, and it creeps me out so I walk the opposite way. I didnt wear this shirt the other day because it looked to gay, and I am always studying myself to make sure Im not sitting in a gay position and if I am then Ill fix it, One day I looked in the mirror and thought I looked feminine so avoided mirriors for the whole day and had this dreading feeling. And I always find myself checking myself to see if I get errected, and lately it seems my mind has been tricking me into thinking I have a ***** I think of something gay and it feels like im getting a ***** and I look down and its really shrunk, when I dont check it, it worries me that I actually got a *****, and I am no way of looking gay, Im from maine, work in the back woods, cutting wood, and doing guy things, Ive always been like this sence child hood. And also I think these thoughts and get so depressed about it, that Ill just quit everything and just feel sick, This past week my body has literally pretty much tricked me into being gay. Ill read about stuff on the internet about how you can change it and stuff and then Ill just get depressed thinking that I couldnt change if im gay, so I think to myself that Ill just comitt suiced if I am gay. The thing that really worries me, is that I had all these symptoms before I read about HOCD and I had all the right symptoms, but ever sence I read that if you really are gay then youd think on how youd come out and stuff and my brain asks me that and I'll freak out and be like no im not gay I wouldnt do that, Im not gay! I dont find men attractive, like if me and some girls are talking about like a famous actor and theyll ask me if he's handsome and I'll awnser it, like im not afraid to say that a guy is handsome but im not like attracted to him but my body and my brain like tricks me into beliving that I am attracted to them, so I turn to the internet re***uring that im not attracted to them. I also have this girl thats my best friend that ive known for a couple years now and we dated for a year and I serousily thought I was in love as 14 year old could get, and we plan on dating, but my low motivation and I simply have just been draging *** lately. Everything that I use to find fun I just get a depreseed feeling about like somebody punched me in the gut. I also have developed these tremers/shakes when I think about being gay, but then my says "well what if your just faking it to cover up your gay" or "your not telling the truth about yourself" followed by questioning myself am I gay. And Ive never ever watched gay porn in my life fearing that I might get a ***** over it, and ive never ever done anything with a guy before but yet my mind questions that and asks "well do you want to" and stuff like that, it seems like its never ending on the questions that come up and I am truely convinced that Im turning gay when deep down in side I know I dont want to be, And Ive looked up how to deal with this, and it said accept those thoughts and stuff but Im afraid if I accept those thoughts then Ill turn gay and end up liking them and that seems like whats happening (or what my brain is convincing me). I have both parents in my life, very little stress, no gay people in my family at all. No second counsins that are gay, nobody, no friends, no nothing. This gut renching anxiety is really getting to me and I am pretty mentaly strong so ive reached out to you guys for some help, I just want thing to return to normal again. Thanks for reading through those and im begging, can you please, please help me.
Am I gay?
Am I bi?
Do I have HOCD?
Normal symptoms?