Hey Codylon, sorry for the late reply.
Anyway, yup its normal for HOCD to do them things, as I said before, I try and do things like that with my boyfriend, and on a good happy day (due to my medication) I have sex with him and enjoy it , but on a day when the HOCD has been irritating me I can't. I try my best to ignore it but I end up not having sex with my boyfriend, its difficult to get out of your head I know. Don't be concerned about it, its because obviously the HOCD is getting you down and your just not feeling the best about them things anymore, its not like you don't want it, its because...well honestly, I wouldn't blame you for not being totally in the mood, thinking about these things all the time is totally draining.
I think I understand what the sickening feelings are...its like a rush of anxiety and the thoughts combined that make you feeling sick, I actual vomited a bit when I got these feelings and when they went and my head was still thinking I also thought "Oh **** why do I not feel anxious or sick anymore when I get these thoughts does that mean i'm gay" But it doesn't. Remember its the HOCD, not you. Its because obviously we have obsessive thoughts that means our heads or going to obsesse and over anaylize a situation. Well, its the HOCD obsessing over the topic of being gay, so obviously our mind is going to start convincing ourselves , doesn't mean we will be or that we are, its just leads to that because our mind keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. Think of it like the time you said you thought you had cancer and you kept checking for a bump, thats because you were beginning to convince yourself that you had cancer when you didn't which then lead you believe there was a bump there, its the exact same thing, just a different topic.
Everything went to **** with me too Cody, I wasn't feeling the best before this happened anyway due to others things that happened in my life, but when this happened I wouldn't get out of my bed, wouldn't meet up with my friends, quit my college course I was doing and it was because of the irrational thoughts that gave me anxiety and depression, And I'm not saying everything is the best they can be at the moment because its not but I have to say its is getting better due to me getting help. To me the sounds of what your telling me, I think its more than just "discovering yourself" i think its OCD but I'm no doctor , so as I said to you before Cody, you need some professional help. Just because your young doesn't mean you too young to go through a serious mental issue, my friend knew a girl who was anorexic at 10 years old. So don't use your age as an excuse ok :) This is serious and its affecting your life, teens don't get depressed because of there at a hormonal stage at their life.
I wouldn't blame you for being irritated, you probably have are a bit moody because of this, I know I was...and still am. I think thats due to the HOCD affecting you.
I don't know what that might be Cody, maybe its a bit OCD or something, I usual crack up if things are not right for me especially cleaning, but research it a bit, you might find them things annoying.
Stay strong and positive :)
A ♥