Great tips on how to maintain healthy eating during this holiday season;
"You love the holidays but hate that you can’t zip your skirt or pants once they’re over. Weeks of nonstop parties can do that to a person. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Getting through the season without piling on pounds is all about knowing where the pitfalls are — and avoiding them.
• Potential pitfall. You can’t cook without eating what you are cooking.
• Avoid it. Chew on a piece of sugarless gum. Not only will it keep your mouth busy and prevent you from eating half of the ingredients, it might even quash your cravings for sweet. In a recent study, people who had gum after lunch ate fewer calories from snacks that afternoon compared with those who had the exact same lunch but no gum.
• Potential pitfall. You see a buffet and want a little taste of everything.
• Avoid it. Be picky. “Only choose the foods that you don’t get to eat all year long,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Limit yourself to the basics — fruits and veggies, lean meat — along with a small serving of some of your favorites. Treating yourself to a small serving of a cheese fondue and bypassing the stuff you can get year-round will help you feel more than satisfied without gaining hundreds of extra calories...."