i dont have much hope that my problems will be resolved…but i kinda know there is a God i just dont knw if he;'s on my side anymore
We’re on the same page - it sucks at its finest. Are you doing okay?
im glad to know im not the only one
i actually think im heading for another psychotic episode. i might need to go to the clinic on monday maybe up my meds
Do you have a psychotic disorder? How severe is it?
so i have depression but in 2011 i had my first and only (up til now) psychotic episode. right now i am having some of the symptoms but extremely mildly. but i am still worried
my thoughts are really disarrayed right now. i had a family member come over last night and i was so out of it, struggling to socialise with them. it was tough
Were they able to help you?
who, my family?
its not something people can help with except a psychiatrsist
Well, if that’s what it is, I can wish you all the best. Sometimes family may not get a clue of your present troubles, so it’s better to continue seeking help.
yes, i think they noticed something was wrong but didnot know how to help. essentially they cant help anyway
Yeah, and I don’t blame them and you for that. The least you can do now is not quit.
do you believe in God also?
Before that, but I’m not sure if religion’s real.
i have felt that ive experienced the Holy Spirit. so i feel like I cant tturn my back on God. also, i have had alot of good things happen to me. buut ive also sinned greatly
We all do bad and good things. Do you feel any guilt?
i feel shame. because my sin is great. i have brought big shame onto my family in the past. so its hard.