Hey im 4 years with my boyfriend. and he is like a great person. I found out about 3 or years a go he smokes pot. It makes him happy and relaxed and and he enjoys it.He is frinedly and doesnt abuse it or anything. Of course living with him i too have smoked a couple of times no doubt. But just because i know its wrong and against the law , i hate it. Not literally the plant, but what that plant can do. It got worse for me now that we have a baby. No one smokes in the house when the baby is in the area. Everybody goes outside. He has a plant now aswell and that just makes me get so angry at times. I have never been this way before. I dont scream or shout with him about it or go on like a crazy woman. but we have talked about it.Im so scared if the wrong person finds out, they will take away my baby and ill have the view of a bad mom. At the same time i want to grant him happiness make esseptions for him but its soo hard going against what i believe. I dont want to loose him cause his a great partner and amayzing dad, i dont want to stirr our family and be the possible reason we break up. i just dont know what to do. ...i lately have a couple of friends on the internet(im not cheating or anything like that)but i like to watch women. They are really beautifull. How our bodies are and can be seductive, how we dress...do i sound crazy??.....anyway, but im not sur if i wil go in a relationship just cause i no its wrong but i have always been interested in kissing a girl.Even if im in a relationship. Is this considering weird or what and does the two subjects have anything to do with each other....
its just that old faithful the maternal instinct coming to the fore, now u have a new life to look after its important that everything is bright and beautiful for the little one.
if he is such a great dad im sure he will see that its only for the babies sake u want the plant to reside elsewhere and all smoking to be done in the garden or a designated area where baby doesnt go.
as for the rest i think the experience of having a baby is making u marvel at the wonders of the female body..does that kinda fit in with whats happening or am i way off the mark?
but anyway good luck and keep posting
as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)
i guess your right but i dont want it to make me so parenoid(or end up being that way). He has been caught before and his parents took that hard. Im great friends with his mum and his mm found the plant in his cupboard(under a light) and had a deep talk with me. I felt like i was a crap mom to let it happen.it actually feels like it doesnt matter if i feel this way cause it will just carry on...
he knows im doing it for our babies sake but he feels hes not neglecting hi sbabies needs. That this is just my need. but of course im thinking long term(womens gift i guess)
What can i tell him or convice hiM?my friend said i must scare him and move out but im not a mind messer.i want to be able to speak like to people.
Reagarding the intrest in womens anatomy, that might be partly true.
thanx for the reply hey:)
all our thinking changes when we become parents we see the normal risks and then look for hidden ones that could be lurking. u are right its a womens gift.
could u not get his mum to have a word about how she felt last time this happened or mayb u just have to bite the bullet and tell him outright. i agree messing with heads is a bad thing to do, and will solve nothing long term with the situation
google the net and find some strong arguements that back the dire effects this plant has on passive smokers if need be but keep it calm and rational when u speak about it stress the need to start of babies life with positive reinforcement of things that way any other hurdles and i know from experience there will be plenty along the way its an established way to handle things,
wishing u luck let me know how u go on
as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)
will take your advice:)thanx again:)It really makes me feel better:)
good luck hon
as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)