I didn't go to my last hydrotherapy session today. I didn't even call in to tell them that I wasn't coming. Very rude of me, i know....and irresponsible. I suck.
I just can't seem to get my **** together.....I am SO tired!! So very tired, I could sleep forever and want to.
There's too much going on in my life, too much stuff that involves other people and I just want it all to go away. Why can't things just be more simple?
My mom goes tomorrow to start her spinal injections, and she is a thousand miles away and I can't be there to help her.....My Grandma has less than 2 weeks to get her septic fixed or her house is going to be condemned and she will have to move. She's old and poor and I don't know what's going to happen with that.
My body HURTS.....Especially my neck and shoulders and I just want everything and everybody to GO AWAY and LEAVE ME ALONE....
I feel extreme GUILT because I SUCK.....Things need to be done around the house and I just DON'T CARE.....People expect things from me.....and....this is so mean of me....but...sometimes I get tired of being the mom and the wife....the problem solver, the maid, the nurse, the cook....Everyone depends on me to make this house run....
I have not eaten yet today or taken my meds, which I know I need to do, but I don't care....How can I make myself care?