I was diagnosed with Anorexia four weeks ago, though I've known that my eating habbits were unhealthy for nearly a year now. I was referred to an eating disorder clinic in my area, but I haven't been able to get an appointment, so I have just been seeing my general practioner on a weekly basis. I was able to gain some weight in the first three weeks, but the weight gain spooked me and I decided to try and slow down a little. I just had a doctors appointment and found out that I lost all the weight that I had gained over the past week. I'm so discouraged and angry at myself. I'm so scared about what I have done to my body. I used to be an athlete and now I feel so weak. How can I keep undoing all my progress like that again?
mayall....please see a professional who knows how to treat people with eating disorders. Otherwise, you will not get the support and guidance that you need to move beyond this!
You can do this, but you need help...please do it today!
Jan ♥
I agree with jan. Be persistant until you get an appt. You deserve proper guidance and support!