NO, I do not exspect an answer to that but that is my biggest problem. Abosolutely no Will Power left in my system. My sons see no probem, as long as I'm alive they don't care. My grandaughter gets really upset when I find her stash of goodies. That doesn't mean a whole lot, Maybe if I can convince her that helping me get over the bulmian Althought I don'e see her going to any meetings with me. There are 2 or 3 here in the area.
I am sitting here dreaming of eating a gallon of chocolate ice cream. I did manage to pick up some no suger added popcycles and ice cream bars. Now I need to remember no to eat all of them today. Actually its 7:00pm, est here in Ohio and I haven't given in yet.
Actually, you have to act in the way that you want to think FIRST, repeatedly, before those neurological pathways will begin to change. It can't happen in the opposite direction. Perhaps if you put a tangible plan in place for your daily activities, including eating at appropriate times, and eating adequate amounts, you could begin to be more comfortable....and in time, if you don't give up, those thought patterns can begin to change. The biggest help would be seeing a professional to whom you could be accountable and who could provide you with counsel and guidance through this difficult time. Please take care....Jan ♥
i hear ya dannygirl and feel the same way. if only i could eat ONE treat and feel SATISFIED with ONE treat instead of the entire box and then some...
how long have you been bulimic?
we have to find tools to stop these temptations.
i sent you a personal note on this site's message board so please check it when convenient.
all the best,