How do I tell my homophobic family

I'm bi and have been out with select friends at school since 9th grade. They're all ok with it. Some even found enough trust to come out to me! I was so happy. I want to be honest with my whole family about me, but my father's side are a bunch of stereotypical homophobic rednecks. my mom's side is ok with that kind of thing but they don't think I'm old enough to know what I want or to know what love is.
What should I do?

You might want to think about the fact that you may not really need to come out to all of you family, it might not accomplish much. If all it would do is piss off some peeps and alienate you, I don't see that as very productive and it certainly wouldn't be so good for your ego. Well that said I hope it works out for you ! lol balletbear

Just wanted to check in and see how your doing ?? lol balletbear

Aw, thank you! I’m pretty good. I have to go to my older half sister’s wedding, so i have to wear a dress(yuck). other than that it’s ok.

he,he,he, Life a b&%#h then ya have to wear a dress, bet you live !!Anyway it's good to know your doing OK, so have fun at the wedding and have a good weekend !! lol balletbear

you should look at the coming out video they have. its pretty practical and it helps give you courage. its under videos under lesbian and gay. also trust your gut and have patience. coming out is an evolution of spirit. be gentle with yourself. take time to take deep breathes. pray if you have faith. don't go too fast. be gentle with your family as well. they don't know yet. createing your own identity apart from how others view you can be scary for you and your family. take your time and consider everyones feelings envolved. thats my advise.

Thank you for the advice. I've had a hectic couple of months and I just now was able to get on. I want to thank you both for checking in on me and for the advice. It's helped me a lot.