How do i truely help

My husband of 3 years is addicted to pills. We have been trying to work through this for a long time. About a yr and half ago he went through treatment and was on Soboxin. This seemed to help for a good while. However he messed his back up again and is now back to his old ways. I know the dr gave him some muscle relaxers and i thought he was doing well with those but i know there are hidden pills that he is taken and they are stronger. I want to support him and stand by him. I truely love my family both him and our special needs son. However when i as what i can do or why he thinks this may have happend he says he doesnt know or cant explain it. I just want to help him but at the same time i have the whole household on my shoulders right now and feel as though im getting lost myself. Any thoughts would be so wonderdful.

Wow, Iam so sorry to hear about this. I know it must be very difficult. My dad was an alcoholic for my entire life. He would hide his 'stashes' everywhere and would force me as a child to carry his beer into public places because they wouldn't check the backpack of a child. THey have to hit as low as they can and lose everything and then they must choose to change. I have so few people do it on their own with out serious rehab. They have to want it themselves. Maybe you should leave him for a period of time until he gets back on track. I know it's easier said then done. I wish you luck and hope you find the strength to do whatever you think you need to do for you and your precious son. I hope your husband finds the strength to quit his addictions.

i know what its like to have a alcoholic for a father. Mine never made me carry his stuff but he was so great at hiding it that for most of my life i thought it was normal for a dad to be that way. my parents finally divorced and my mom met a great man that i can say is truley my father. As for leaving my husband that is easier said than done. I feel in a way that leaving is an easy way for everyone to get out of 'dealing' with it. I think that it makes you stronger if i stay and fight this out with them. in my hubby's case he doesnt have a family that is of great help at this time. They want to push him away and they think that it will go away. So that leaves us with so few people to help guide us. I truely hope and think that what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. Thank you so much for you words of wisdom.