I've had depression for years, then it hid for a while. Now its back. I've seen a doctor and am currently on medication for it but I've been wondering. For those of you with depression how do you deal with it? At times it tries to control my very being and others I am in control. What things do you do to make yourself happier? to beat the depression away? etc.
As I'm trying to find new ways to become better, stronger, and on top of things. I also want to have a way to handle life when the depression clouds my light.
Hey myscticalmoonray,
I am so sorry for your trouble of suffering with depression, as a sufferer too I fully understand how bad things can get. In fact this weekend I had a complete meltdown.
I would recommend a therapist. Therapy can really help against depression, being able to speak with someone who understands what you are going through goes so far when dealing with this.
Exercise, going for a walk really helps, exercise is a great mood stimulant.
Writing, journalling your thoughts and feelings down so so so good. All of these things can really help sweetie against depression. I know some days get really dark but in those times remember this
"feelings are fluid, and this dark phase will pass"
I know while in it, you can feel like utter **** but you will get though it through doing those things, and speaking here. Always talk with someone, we understand.
Love to you hun
Moongal x
Hello mysticalmoonray, I do crafts, walk, gardening which helps. Be around friends who can cheer you up rather than friends who spoil your mood. Listening to music while I do crafts help me a lot. Writing Your thoughts down is very helpful. Hugs.
You've heard the saying "it's the little things that matter most". Learn to embrace this thought then focus on the little things. If you walked around the block today, you've done good in treating yourself with love despite depression. If you ate a healthy meal, you've done good despite depression. If you laughed during a funny TV show, you've done good despite depression . . . . so on and so on.
Heck, just tell us the little things and we'll tell ya you've done good despite depression!
Mysticalmoonray, I hope this fragment from my book will give you an idea of what worked best for me.
Chapter 2
“BOB YOU HAVE to SWEAT everyday.” This was the advice given to me by a motivational speaker and longtime dear friend. Years earlier I had attended one of her talks. She stated, “You cannot drastically alter your physiology without positively impacting your psychology.”
.... My friends had noticed my quiet “pensive” mood, but I did not drag them down. They were happy that it was their turn to talk! They lifted me up and I went home less depressed. We had our next BNO get together about one month later. I shared my gym experience and how I hated going there. I also shared that I was too afraid not to go because I did not want my depression to return.