I'm so sorry to hear you're going through so much pain. And I definitely relate to feeling like an old woman. A few years back I actually had a nurse at a doctor's office say to me 'are you sure you're 27 and not 72?' with a smile on her face after she looked at the list of all my illnesses. I wanted to hit her.
Anyway, all I can tell you is what I take: Vicodin for the overall pain from endometriosis and fibromyalgia, Flexeril for my back spasms, Tigan to help with the nausea from the pain meds. Also, my doctor just upped my Savella, which is supposed to help with chronic pain and fibromyalgia pain, plus it also works as an anti depressant.
The Lyrica did nothing for me, and the Cymbalta made me more depressed (which I wouldn't have thought was possible), but I'm talking severely suicidal at the drop of a hat.
The only thing I've found that helps my migraines is IM injectable Stadol mixed w/IM phenergan (it helps with the nausea from the migraine and the Stadol). But VERY few doctors will prescribe like this. Oh, I'm also on a Fentanyl patch which actually does help when I remember to change it consistently.
Hon, honestly, I wish all the doctors I've been seeing since I was 14 had thought to do something else than just shove more and stronger pills down my throat. All they do is take the edge off -- the pain never fully goes away -- and I'm sick of having to take all of this everyday. I had the same experience in the hospital twice with the morphine - it made the pain go away almost completely. The other drug you got was probably Demerol (I can't take that b/c it gives me severely horrible hallucinations).
The last time I saw the pain doc (well I saw his nurse) I got her to precribe PT for my back - I'm really wanting to try other options like accupuncture/pressure, yoga, nutritional supplements, basically anything.
My advice is that if you do need opiates for the pain, try taking the lowest dose possible. It's a terrible feeling to know you're physically addicted to something that if you stop taking, you'll be in even worse pain.
Try not to give up hope. I know it takes a profound mental toll every day, and that some days are almost unbearable physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But remember you have a little boy who needs and loves you. That's a wonderful blessing.
Hope this could help you a little bit.
*hugs and prayers*