Thank you everyone for all the encouraging words and kindness, I have not been able to trust anyone for a long time. I feel a little better that I have people to talk that won't look at me and ridicule me. I was always to scared to call the police, he has grapped my phone outta my hand and thew it against the wall and broke it, I have not tried to again.
Oh 3d we all know how hard it is to trust people maybe thats why were so eager to help others . How could we look at you any other way because we've been there ourselves
I would say it's time to try again if you do not protect yourself then who is going to protect your children
I don't have much family, but I will use the hotline number given to me.
3d, dont let this write on the slate of your true self (your core) as you talk things through w/friends here (and their guiding you very well) you'll find along the way that you will eventually empower yourself later as you find answers for yourself. First, do what the girls are advising you if at all possible & then some of the other issues can be worked through later, but again first you need to be safe.
All my strengths.
big (((HUG)))
also try 211 they will have connections to all local services that can help you but if you need time to get away call and report that a threat has been made to your safety and your tire was slashed .
If you start making your local police alerted to your problems then when you call they will red flag it and come faster
Hi 3d, You should know that taking your phone, breaking it especially to stop you from calling for help is an absolute violation of your rights and you WILL be granted a restraining order in any state, just for that offense alone!!!
Believe us when we say we've learned alot. We all made mistakes and didn't know so many different things that could have helped us out alot so forgive us if we overwhelm you with information and advice. Helping others going through what we've been through is very important to a bunch of us here. And yes, we really do care. No strings, no judgement, just people helping other people.
How are you feeling about things? I know that it's alot to digest, but it's important to get educated about your rights and your options.
Sending more hugs, Suzee :)
here whatever you tell us ( I hope someone explained the message part of this site to you ) is protected by us our only objective here is to help others like us get out of the fear and into a safe place for some of us we waited so long it felt normal to us to be abused and controlled that we are handicapped by it and having to learn or relearn how to be normal and what the means.
You must save yourself so that you can save your children if you can't do it for yourself do it for them and get you guys out and if you can do it come back please and let us know your safe
hey Suzee and AG I got a new badge today LOL
what did you get a badge for Teddy?
From the day you first came on here i can hear there is more strength in YOU!
That doesn't mean you will still have your bad days..but it sure does help to have the support doesn't it.Its a long drawn out process but united we will stand!
love AG♥
I got a new color badge of honor here I'm up to blue. right up there with you AG.
I have gained so much from you guys things that I take with me no matter where or what I do I didn't hear anything today but even though I felt like it would happen I wasn't as scared as I was just a few days ago everything that has happened has for a reason and one of the blessing I've gained is this site and these beautiful wonderful caring amazing people who for the first time in my life say "I understand " and I really know they do.
I am still in my limbo but it's not one I am in alone my body turrets is lessing the more I talk here and I get it out it's amazing to feel one appreciated and wanted as everyone has made me feel here I love being able to give it back the best I can I know i'll have bad days but I know where to come when I do and thats a feeling I can not put into words
I am so sorry you are caught in this abusive relationship. Even sorrier that you are suffering from the effects of neglect and abuse by your family. Don't forget Legal Aid if available. They have battered women's advocates at our local Legal Aid office. I know how you feel, I was abused emotionally by parents. Sexually abused by Aunt abd Uncle, beaten by husband and back then the cops wouldn't arrest him unless they witnessed it, even when I'm standing there bleeding and bruised at 5'1 inch and 100 lbs and he was 6'2 and 200 lbs. I swear I still have to watch myself, I also would do anything to be loved. Almost. But 2 yrs ago I left a relationship because it was not good for me. Probably hardest thing Ive ever done. I still love (and dream about) this guy who was very emotionally abusive. Even tho I still miss him, I feel like it's the first time in my life when I made the right choice for ME. 3 years ago I found out the uncle who sexually abused me as a 5 - 8 yr old was charged with the same thing with 2 of his grandchildren. I got to go testify against him and he got 25 yrs to life. Minimum of 10 yrs. He's 75 so hopefully he never gets out! You know to keep a bag with a change of clothes for each of you along with ALL your important papers and any amount of money you can put together for an emergency flight. (try to stick it somewhere you can get to and he can't, outside the home)?. Staying with these sick people, I was afraid I was showing my kids that this was "normal". now in Ohio the cops have to arrest them if there's any evidence of abuse, not necessarily physical. It's still domestic violence if they break stuff for example. You have to love YOU more than them. You deserve it. Ecclesiastes 7:7 says "For mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy", it will be better soon for you, Big Hug to you!
Hi 3d, I've been thinking about you this morning. How are you and the kids doing? I know you've been hit with a ton of information and it can be overwhelming. Just know that we are thinking about you and here to help in any way we can.
Sending hugs, Suzee
Amen Suzee I woke up early to check on her myself.
3D if you need us I hope you know were here for you
sending prayers and hugs