How do you know when it is time to give up?

My sister made a comment to me about the fact that sometimes we need to realize that something is not going to work and stop trying to make it work. Other people say if I try hard enough and long enough you will succeed. I keep thinking that I need to just accept that things will never work out.

If you were the only deciding factor, you can make anything work! People are amazing in what they are able to accomplish, but then there are other people who work against others so they can't succeed. I was constantly told growing up that I wasnt able to do things, and I used to do them just to prove the others wrong. One day I realized that it was normal for me to do what others considered impossible. It was a wow moment. I go around road blocks though... people who are not helpful or purposely a hinderance. I have seen with a lot of people, that the "hinderances" are the people who supposedly "love us."

You are probably capable of doing what ever it is you chose to do if it is something you want, and others dont make you doubt yourself. People wonder when it is time to give up... if it is something they really want, they dont have to ever give up - just chose a different plan of attack! If things dont work out the first time, try a different way, then kept trying different ways until they find the one that works.

There are always exceptions to this. If the success of what you want depends on another person and they are not willing to do their part... I suppose one could give up. Or they could find someone who is willing to help and do their part.

So when do you give up? How do you know? If it is no longer worth it to you. Otherwise, the hazards and the tries that dont succeed are just learning how not to do it so you can find the way to do it.

One big thing I am thinking of giving up on is ever having a drives license.

My father jumped the curb and ran into the drug store, he backs out and drove home dragging crap that was now attached to the car.

Officer Friendly came to the house shortly after this happened and asked... why did you leave....

My father answered that he realized that he was not able to drive anymore and wanted to go home.

He wrote a check for the damages and that was that, we was 90 and was driving a 67 Eldorado convertible.

He still loves telling that story, he will be 99 this coming August.


I am 50 and have never had one.

u never give up on u and anything else is dealt with as needed soemtimes we have to keep going others we can just do without

but only u can decide what is important and whats not so be true to yourself and enjoy life to the utmost

be kind to u today

love D

There are many people who never got their liscense for one reason or another. If it is something you want though... go do it! The tests are typically easy to get a permit, and the driving test is not too bad. Find a friend to teach you or go to a driving school. :) You might really enjoy it.

I have had over 20 permits. I can't afford driving school and those who offered to take me out and encouraged me to get my last permit all backed out. My husband told me he is terrified to be in the car with me.


I have taught a lot of people how to drive, including someone who darn near killed us both because of habits she picked up from her ex when he "tried to teach" her. I dont know... if she could get her liscense, I think most anyone could. She still to this day does things that make me uncomfortable, but she did it, even after her at the time husband told her she never would.


i guess its something that a lot of people take for granted i too dont drive but to be fair it makes me nervous to be a passenger in a car and i close my eyes when passing big lorries or coming up to junctions so i guess i wont ever drive nor can i imagine my self doing it

but u need to find someone like fading to give u a helping hand have u no brave soul at church who would help out

but dont put yourself down or define u by a bit of paper u are worth so much more than that

be kind to u and have a great day

love D

Today the lack hurt past the point of control.

*BIG HUGS* It is not you that is lacking, but the fortitude and integrity of those who said they would help you then failed to do so.

Driving is one of those things that you need the participation of another person, so shame on the people who encouraged, said they would help, then bailed on you.

Are you in the city, country or subburbia? That kind of makes a difference in driving as well...

I live in a suburb that is small and has farming area outside it.


im sorry to hear that this is causing u pain and upset but u are so much bigger than that

what happened to upset u and cause u pain

be kind to u

love D

I am feeling like not driving defines too much of me.

Your sister's point may apply to somethings, but this isn't one.


your sister had some good advice and in certain situations it is needed violent relationships the queues at the supermarket for something that isnt needed but driving is only a thing that some of the population do many dont do it at all and are quite content with their lot

why do u think it defines u

love D

when the thing ur giving up on is ur life, its never an option

Yesterday when I was feeling really like a failure and being yelled at. In redonda to things I said maybe I should save them the hassle of dealing with me and kill myself. I was told "go ahead"

Domestic I feel like it defines me because there ate so many things I can not do workwise, as a mother, and as a wife because I don't drive. It also imbarasses my kids and they don't want their friend's to know me.