Hey Megan,
I totally understand what you are going through. Alcohol always made me want to cut more too. You have nothing to be ashamed of, just something that you need to deal with, it is difficult hun, and i understand your pain, but you can get through it. I'd never even heard of cutting until well after I started I had no idea what I was doing.
The idea is to get to what is causing you the pain and treating the pain in an effective way instead of cutting, you need to get that pain out without hurt yourself in the process, writting, yelling, screaming, crying...have you figured out what is triggering you to do this...it took me quiet some time to even get there.
Remember no need for shame only for healing
Love to you
Moongal x
Megan- I have cuts all up and down my arms, most of them are scars now. Their all really light so i dont think people notice them, i have four really big ones on my upper arm and people ask about them when im wearing tank tops and i just say that a cat scratched me.
Ha ha, I'm sorry that is so funny I had to have my spine removed...you probably went home later and was like well that clever little fecker:p...or she told someone...which would have been just as mortifying if not worse.
Yeah I was not the gullible idiot.
I could see her going home sitting at the dinner table,
“Honey, I met this girl today that had her spine removed!”
The husband grunts and rolls his eyes…lmao
I’m not usually like that - I was just really orenery that day!
Just wrote a long and rather pathetic story a few posts above this. If you get the chance, read it.. Could use some imput from you. Ornery or not, I could use your sassy, savvy ideas on what I should do. Text is under new tag Trina. Long story and not very interesting. But know in your heart and head it's still Trini writing for better or for worse. Hope to hear from you.
Cute, dizz, real cute. And I'm up here a prisoner in my big spacious apt. so I can't find you and you can't find me. Besides I hate being slapped. Too close to a recent altercation I had with a girl at my FORMER methadone clinic. I'm at about 5 weeks into this detox. So far,unbelievably, without detox symtoms. And please if you don't believe me, don't say it. I thought I was doing a good thing by writing a blog describing what I did at home med. wise and food wise (very little) and I got so insulted at Topix.com I could'nt believe it. The only way I could wrap my head around the experience was to realize when I prayed, God heard me and sent his Holy Spirit to buffer the blows so to speak. I truly believe he did. I was on methadone 174mgs daily for 2 years. And I quit cold turkey. Continued to take my bi-polar meds, stopped the Prozac(as recommended) and drank 2 liter bottles of water all day(also as recommended) All I could eat was forcing a bowl a day of raisan bran down a day. I never threw up, no muscle cramps, no rls symptoms. I did get extremly manic, but in a euphoric kind of way. Finally after 5 days at home, everyone kind of figured the grace period was probably coming to an end. And I should be under doctor's supervision when it happened. So I checked myself into Pine Rest and I continued to not have any symtoms for the next 10 days! They treated the mania of course with ritalin. and that helped. But never lost sleep, anything. Now you tell me what would you think. I think it was a fishes and loaves level miracle. And since then I have tried in every way I can to not let the Lord down when I can help someone or a kitty(today)
Well, that's enough, you've probably even read this somewhere before. Don't know. Do know, please don't pounce on me and call me a liar and ***** for taking up space in a blog room. God, the responses were cut throat. All I could think of was the story in the Bible where Jesus said something like: "And if they mock you for telling the truth about me and my Father, be joyous because they mocked me. And your position in heaven is guarented" Probly a really bad paraphrase but you get the drift.
My advice: Never never go to Topix.com. Totally different brand of people. Mean people. It felt so good to come back to this site and feel safe. O.K., I'll let you go. I guess I just felt like talking tonight. (You think?)
You are alright by me!
I don't really know anything about detoxing but heard it is brutal. I am so glad to hear about your experience and that you are doing well. I'm proud of you girl!
AS far as other people are concerned, people can be mean. I've only seen it twice on here and know for a fact those parties involved were dealt with. So no worries.