How long does it take to get that "this feels like home" fee

How long does it take to get that "this feels like home" feeling when you have moved? Sometimes during the day I feel "fine" and others I feel anxious because of all of the new surroundings...I've only met a few neighbors briefly.... Transitions have always been harder for me but I'm not crying just eager to feel more settled, even more at ease...

2 Hearts

it took me a couple months.....try to venture out and find something you enjoy may find a cool spot or a new sport.

1 Heart

Nice to hear from you again TennisPlayer. You've come a long way, be proud of your accomplishments & keep taking small steps, also try meditation, soothing music, stretching exercises, to loosen any tension so you can continue taking steps towards warding off anxiety.

It took me I week just blessed myself I have a home

P.s I adjust quickly