How s everybody? I woud appreciate hearing any updates from you.
Thank you all for the outpouring of love you expressed to me in my time of need. I received several nice comments and here is one of my favorites:,"
Cancer treatment is not a fight, it is a healing!" Thank you Jethro. If anyone else has some comment they have found helpful, pm me and I will try to post as many as I can. Together we can find strength and hope.
Your so wonderful CrochetedLady :-) thank you for your caring and loving support :-) lots of hugs to you :-)
Doing fabulous this morning! Hey i woke up! The sun is starting to come up
going o be another beautiful day in the sierras!
Ok how do I add a photo to my post? The instructions said a drop down menu would appear it hasn't.
@Crochetedlady it think the problem is I use a smart phone not a computer.
I am so glad that some or one of my comments were useful. I give credit to my therapist Dave for helping me get through it. I owe him my life. If it wasn't for Dave, I would have put a gun to my head a long time ago. He taught me "its all about attitude"!
If you get a chance google Tommy Bolin "dreamer". This guys music helped me get through all the crap. The MRI guy played it for me during the many brain scans I have had. Just wanted to share.
Hi crochetedlady!. I've been laying low. Problems with my son working hard to get him help