I have had anorexia and ednos including purging with laxatives and diuretics for 28 years with little health issues.I have osteopenia,loose skin with no muscle tone but all bloodwork good,heart,kidneys and liver.Yet some who have only had a short time a severely sick,die or have organ failure.My weight has been very very critical and also overweight .
Please, try to take care of yourself. Life is precious and beautiful and we should not take it for granted. God bless you.
zopta...I am sorry that you suffer from such painful consequences. I understand how it seems odd how some people have such severe health problems in a short time when suffering from an eating disorder, while others may suffer for many years and not suffer much damage at all to their bodies. It is much like any other health issue. Some people are more vulnerable to contract colds, or they may be predisposed to sore throats, etc., so certain bodily systems are more at risk. I guess it's similar to how if two people are exposed to TB, one may develop it, while the other does not, due to one being less vulnerable physically. It just happens that way, but taking the risk is not worth it. The important thing is to do all that you can to recover from the eating disorder, and then take care of your health needs as best as you can. Wishing you well...Jan ♥