Hi, all.
So, I know this post is a little premature, but I'll be flying home from college on the 7th of December and I'm already freaking out. I'll be staying with my aunt and uncle, not my parents, which is a good thing--as much as I love my folks, our home is not a healthy environment for me. Last time I went back, I had a mini-relapse after just a week or two. So that helps. Still, I'm scared about all the unstructured time, hanging out with my parents a lot, and my aunt and uncle going out of town for the better part of the month. Basically, I'll be alone, I'll have way too much free time on my hands, and I'll be seeing a whole lot of my folks.
I NEED more structure and support! But I'm not quite sure how to get it...
Here's a handful of options:
(a) Do EIOP at a local treatment center. Downside: 2-hour round trip everyday.
(b) Do a once-a-week group at the same treatment center. Downside: they might not accept me.
(c) See my old therapist once or twice a week.
(d) Skype with my current therapist once or twice a week.
(e) See my old nutritionist.
(f) Go to EDA.
(g) Some combination of the above.
Problem: I have no idea where to start sorting through these options, and I don't know what I'm able to afford. Probably not everything that would be ideal. I really feel I kneed a LOT of extra support and structure.
Anyone have thoughts?