How to handle stress and anxiety there are certain times whe

How to handle stress and anxiety there are certain times where I think I work myself up and I can’t seem to relax and let things go

2 Hearts

Eating right is a big help. If you feel your over thinking, watch a comedy movie. Watch something funny on youtube. Bushman is very funny to watch. Or funny animals or winter videos of people all over the world, slipping on ice. Whatever can make you laugh and bypass the over thinking feelings. There are foods that make anxiety and depression worse. Some help Anxiety and depression. Learn to eat smart.

Hello, i want to help u.Can we talk here or in personal whatsap or fb??

I am the exact same way! Something stressful happens and my brain refuses to let it go until it’s resolved. Even if it’s something stupid and minor. My sense of anxiety gets a hold of me and builds into a crisis.

Typically, I try to find something to actively distract me. Usually, I go for something that is mentally stimulating and forces me to concrete, but is not emotionally charged. Phone games like solitaire or sudoku do it for me. It forces me to focus on the game itself.

1 Heart

To manage stress and anxiety, use the 333 rule: identify three things you can see, three things you can hear, and three things you can touch to ground yourself. Also, take deep breaths, step away from your worries, and stay active with exercise. Talk to a friend about how you feel, and make sure to get enough rest.

1 Heart

you need to listen to worship music or listen to a sermon