How to lose weight without dieting?

I checked my BMI and I'm not where I'm supposed to be. I need to lose weight Does anyone have any on how to do this healthily? Thanks :)

Hey sweetie,
A fantastic book I urge you to get on this is women, food and God. It gets down to core questions and it's an excellent read. But it's about letting go of the unhealthy relationship with food and certainly letting go of the dieting and getting back to basics...that being eat when physically hungry stop when full.

Please give it a read.

Love to you hun
Moongal x

Hi there - first of all I wanted to say, don't rely on your BMI to determine if you should lose weight. It's not necessarily the best indicator. Why do you think you need to lose weight? If you are truly overweight, what may have caused you to get to that weight? Are you doing anything now to lose weight?

As a holistic wellness coach I ask these questions because there is no "one answer" to your question on how "to do this healthily." The key to obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight - what's good for you - is to listen to your body and pay attention to how it reacts to the foods you nourish it with (or don't) and your bodily movement. There are many ways to nourish your body. Educating yourself on proper nutrition that is appropriate for your body is the first step in deciding what path to take on your journey.

If you need support - I am here for you.

Corrie Ann

Having salad with dinner has seemed to help me. I also go for walks around my neighbor.

yes ive been trying to figure that whole bmi/healthy weight out and whether ive been on the upper middle, lower or even under weight i have always felt fat and i wonder how true it really is, if you can be healthy outside of the range either way.

Hi - BMI really isn’t an accurate way to determine if one is "overweight. The equation only considers a person weight and height and does not take into account the actually percentage of body fat. Michigan State University a few years ago did extensive research and determined that the BMI calculation was not coming up with accurate body assessments for athletes and non-athletes.

In reality, you can carry a lot of weight and have very few indicators of being “unhealthy.”

There are healthy ranges of weight to be in, but it shouldn’t be a strict assessment of your health. Eating foods that are right for YOUR body (everyone is different), moving your body (I don’t like to use the word exercise), and reducing stress is a good way to measure your success in the wellness department.

Best regards,
Corrie Ann
PCOS Holistic Wellness Coach

If you are bulimic you need to think only about your recovery noot about ur weight at lest for the 1st 6 month, after that you can stick to a healthy food plan and not a diet, and try to start walking for 30 min. per day.

iam bulimic and iam recovering and relapsing alot indeed.
But the main reason that will give you the chance to stop bing/purge cycle is to know why are you doing this in the 1st step?

After that you need to know something and do other thing, know that half of the calories will be consumed from your tongue, even if u purged after 10 minutes, and laxatives will make you lose water and not fat in your body.

Do a food plan and ask for support from yourfriends, he must help you, do not be ashamed.

My foodplan is like following, it might make u gain 3 kilos at first but after that u will loose weigt.

3 meals + 3 snacks daily, and 3 hours between every meal or snack:

*8:00 AM: Breakfast, fruitsald and youghurt, and 4 sppons of oatmeal.
11:00 am Snack: small cheese sanwich
2:00 pm: lunch: chicken*salad and hommus as topping
5:pm snack:team with 3 small bescuits
8:00 pm dinner: yougutt and boiled egg and any veggies
10 or 11 pm: 1 apple or banana then go to sleep :)

stop eating fast food stop sleeping after u eat and dont look to the scale :)

@ kuwait: well siad, but i can not avoid my scale till now ;))

the best thing to do is weight watchers and a nutritinonist. trust me seeing a nutritionist really is the best way. you could end up with an eating dissorder if you do it wrong.

Weight Watchers is excellent, I agree, since it's not a diet with your usual yoyo effect but a (permanent) dietary change. Personally a book that's really inspired me and helped me in my struggle between overeating/starving myself is CONSTANT CRAVING by Doreen Virtue.

Becoming vegetarian or vegan works like a charm and can sometimes be healthier that a standard meat diet.

Hey all,

Just a word of caution... I noticed that this post was included on many different forums... For someone with any history of an eating disorder, no focus on weight loss should ever be encouraged. Our bodies will take care of themselves if we give them what they need. Focus on that. :)

Much love to you,


I've found over the years that all it takes is common sense. Everyone knows what's good and what's not. We all know to limit sugar and fat. Not to over eat. Moderation is a key role in it. You know the good foods to eat. Lean meats, fruits and veggies. Avoid white flour and stick with whole grains. Lots of water. Just listen to the inner voice.