I wish I could post anonymously, but oh well. I definitely do not want kids, never did, never will. I’m too young for a dr to sterilize me, or so they say. I always heard that untreated STI’s can make a girl sterile. Is there a way to see if I’m now sterile without maybe getting pregnant?
How old are you? I think that questions is better asked to a professional, maybe there is a test for that. Is your menstrual cycle normal? Internet says if its too long, too short or absent is a sign, and please dont try to get an sdt for that, take care
Certain STI’s can cause fertility issues if left untreated long enough. Chlamydia for instance can leave the Uterus severely scarred which can cause fertility issues if its left untreated long enough to cause serious damage. However, I don’t suggest going that route.
I don’t know how old you are, but if you are really dead set against having children I suggest doing research on doctors who will do that procedure. Lots of doctors will fight against it if you are young but some doctors understand its your choice and while they may ask you a bunch of questions in order to agree to do it, they won’t deny you just because of your age (as long as you are over 18-years old).
If you can’t find one, just get the birth control shot. That is pretty effective against pregnancies and is nicer than the pills. Eventually you will be old enough for them to take your requests for sterilization more seriously, and so do what you have to do in the meantime.
Thank you. I use an IUD.