I'm new here, but battling withdrawals from hydrocodone. My story is probably not any more remarkable than anyone elses. I'm 38 years old, a married man, with great kids and a good life. I started taking these **** things about 4 years ago after a toothache. My father is a long-term user and will be until he dies I think.. but he has the uncanny knack of being responsible taking them. I never figured they would get a hold of me.. couldn't happen I thought, but I was wrong.
I started taking morpheine about 6 months ago. I took 30mg 3x (or more a day). It really becomes maintenance.. people need to realize that euphoric feeling you get doesn't last when you take these types of pills. Only in the beginning is it 'good', then it is nothing more than waking up and 'not being sick' because you don't have them. I was in denial about it, deep down I knew, everyone does, but you fake through life to keep taking them. Always an excuse, an ache, a bad day, an event that makes you say I'm not quitting now.. 'I can't because I can't deal with life right now without them'.
Anyhow, in 4 years of taking hydrocodone and graduating to morpheine I only went 1 day without the morpheine.. just 1. That one day was hell! I knew right then I had to quit..and so I did. I went through hell for about 3 days until I felt like I couldn't take it anymore and went and got hydrocodone to 'lessen' the effects of morpheine withdrawal. That might have worked if I had self-control, but you don't become addicted to these things if self-control is the driver's seat. I was given 7 to last me a week.. was told to take half in the morning, half at night. I took them all in a day, maybe 2, then was right back to nagging for more.
So, here I am. It's hard to admit to yourself that the only way to quit...is to stop taking pills. "I'll just have 1 today so I can sleep tonight" doesn't work. I know that now. It was hard to convince myself of that but I know it's true.
I haven't had any in 3 days now. It hurts to be in my skin. My eyes water, my nose runs, not to mention going to the bathroom every 10 minutes. But there's a bonus! I don't get to sleep hardly at all..
When I do fall asleep, I can't stay asleep and my legs are restless and my feet feel like they are on fire.
Yesterday wasn't a bad day, but today!!! I feel terrible, bad enough to come here and write down all of this. That's a huge step for me.. I'm not that kind of a guy, but my addiction is a secret. (I don't think I've mentioned that). I'm ready to turn inside out and all I can do is smile and pretend I'm not feeling like falling apart.
I'm prepared to deal with this. I found the courage to quit and I'm not backing down. I won't let this beat me any more. I am just looking for that light.. at the end of this life sucking tunnel. When will I feel better? When can I get concentration back? I know I'm inside here somewhere, but **** it's hard to find me right now......