Im not sure where to go, what to do, and how to function.
welcome hon and im sorry that u have lost a loved one so close to the festive season
having said that u probably feel disorientated in denial and disbelief that he has gone, its a normal thing to experience all the emotions at this time, anger is a high one to begin with or apathy its ok to be feeling all this
if u feel up to it and when u are ready u could seek a grief counselling group that allows u to chat about the pain and hurt with others who are in a simular boat or u could journal thoughts and ideas here or in private
for some it just takes time to get it all straight and be able to function again, this could take minutes hours or years there is no starting and finishing post in the world of grief just better days and worse days
talking about him will help u in the here and now and letting yourself cry scream rant rave whatever it takes to start the pain moving
keep chattin to us all here hon
try and have a peaceful day
as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)