I am a survivor of stroke

My name is Mahmood. I am male and of 57 years male. I underwent a stroke on Novembere 14, 2009, which has affected my brain. The stroke occured due to high blood pressure. Apparently it appears that my brain was washed away completely. With the regular treatment and rehabilitation through speach therapy my memory has been improving gradually, however, I have difficulty in listening understanding. My doctors and speach therapist tell me that my listing understanding will improve with the passage of time, probably taking another 2 additional years when I would be able to understanding. I need encouragement and advice to cope up with my illness. Thanks. Mahmood

Do you have family?

my dad had a stroke a couple of years ago. it was hard watching my dad go through it, he had to learn to walk and talk again. the doctors told my dad that he should of died because the stroke happened in the brain steam. now my dad is back walking and talking fine and back to working.. the main thing is to never give up. let your freind and family help you.. everything takes time to get better so take one day at time.

hope things work out for you

Hi Mahmood,
Sorry to hear that you had a stroke. My dad has problems with his memory and I just got this great magazine called Memory-Aid. Maybe it can help you. There are lots of different activities to help you improve your memory, thinking and fluidity. The magazine is called Memory-Aid and you can get a free issue on their website.
Good luck