I am addicted to ativan... my doctor years ago gave it to me to help with my PTSD and It worked at the start... then I found myself taking more and more just to get the same effect... now I am buying it off the street, and my doctor wont help me get off the stuff.. She wont give me any to get off the 5-8mg I take a day... and she wont give me anything else to help with the withdrawal... Im at a loss...I want to give up the pills but I cant... sigh
Just don't give up.” Most often in Ativan detox, users taper off dosage until their body is less dependent on the drug. This involves taking smaller doses of the drug over time. A doctor may also provide a less potent benzodiazepine with a longer half-life to help wean the person off Ativan.
thank you, its so hard when my current doctor is just not helpful... I even suggested that i went to the hospital to get the dose or to the place I pick up scrips daily just so she would know I am not taking more then what she gives me... but that was a no... so I just went back to getting them from the streets, and I am sure not all are good, but I dont care as long as I am not going through withdrawals
@butterflyghost I know doctors are not all that helpful when it comes to withdrawal. You might find this link useful:
Dr. Ashton recommends switching to a longer acting benzo and withdrawing very slowly. This worked for me when I came off 2mg of ativan: I switched to the equivalent of valium and then apered from there. You have to be disciplined about it and not updose, but slow and steady wins the race.
Im in the right room