if you have nothing nice to say to me then just leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!
I think that if people don't have something positive or constructive to say/share here in their comments to others then they should keep their commentary to themselves. I am so sorry for what you went through here; I am private messaging you and will get to the bottom of who is treating you this way so that we can nip it in the bud here.
Please don't let this one person deter you from this site. We love having you here.
she claims that i was a **** to her when she was contemplating suicide!!!!! never in a million freakin years would i ever ever be that way with anyone if they were in that state much less without a very good reason. i am so angry about this. i was already so unbelievably depressed and i opened up the message and saw that. it just made everything worse.
Sweetjane, I am so very sorry that happened, but I would try not to take it personally, because clearly that person was in an incredibly depressed and vulnerable state. So, of course they could have mis-construed what you wrote. I know that you are kind and compassionate. I've been slammed before as well when I was trying to be helpful, but tried not to take it personally knowing that the person was in a bad place.
When people are suffering they sometimes are not thinking rationally and will misinterpret words and meanings. They see reality through their distress and it can become very distorted. You did nothing wrong. I know when someone wrongly lashes out at me it can be devastating and it takes a bit to find my balance again. I have learned that when people are experiencing strong emotions they often cannot think clearly. I'm sending you very gentle ((hugs)) because I've had pain like that also. Patricia