I am feeling preventive today. It's rough. I had taken Metformin. It was horrible. My Medical Doctor did bloodwork on me, and I didn't fast. And, he prescribe the medicine. It was affecting my kidneys. I'm a 36 year old. When I did fast, my blood work came back normal. I been drinking a lot lately. I need to be careful. Please pray that I monitor my pop drinking. I really do. I see my Medical Doctor on March 18th. And, he will do lab work. I haven't done it in a year. So, he needs to check my sugar level. I just have to slow down. My Medical Doctor thought I was prediabetic. And, he finally took me off Metformin, once my bloodwork was great. I just have to be careful with my pop drinking. It's not good for me.
I am glad you are off that if you were feeling that bad on it, it sucks to take something and instead of helping it makes you feel worse.
@CKBlossom Thank you, so much. Hearing from you is the best. Your positivity motivates me. Like your profile says learn and grow. And, I’m trying to do that. If you want to, we can try and support each other. Just knowing that you’re so strong is wonderful. I hated that Metformin. I just have to drink water. I see my Medical Doctor this Friday. And, he has to do bloodwork. Please pray that I get good bloodwork results. Please pray that satan stops talking to me.
An update for today. I'm feeling preventive today. I got bloodwork done on March 18th. My Medical Doctor would have called me if I developed Diabetes. And, I just have to keep drinking water. I haven't had pop for the last 8 days. My mom and my dad thinks I drink it too much. My mom drinks Ginger Ale. I do crave the sugar. But, I don't want to end up on Metformin. It was horrible. I see my Medical Doctor again on July 19th. And, I just have to be prepared. And, I'm trying to lose weight. I just have to keep exercising.
I take metformin I love it changed my life. Lost weight sleep better stopped peeing all the time. I eat right most of the time I've changed how I eat. I haven't had any problems with it. I did the first 2 weeks but all thats gone.