I am looking for support

I am really looking for people that I can relate to that also have OCD and some more support also. I am feeling lonely and I am hoping for some support from people I can relate to, to help me feel not so lonely. I just been feeling like the one and only, I really know no one else with OCD, I often check things and it takes up so much time during the day and sometimes I get so frustrated cuz the door is obviously locked but I still have to check it 5 times, it's just so frusterating, I would love some support please!


i have ocd as well and i know the stress you are going through. i am on medication to help me with it and my anxiety has went way down. i have definately improved on the amount of times i have to do something and dont see to do things as much as i used to. it is so overwhelming that it is unexplainable. heres some of the things i do. i wash my hands repeatedly for fear of germs, check the door to see if it is locked so many times, lock and unlock my car so many times,open and close things so many times, pray a certain way everytime a pray and sometimes i have to do it over again if i feel it wasnt good enough, when i mail a letter i have to put the letter in and out of the slot so many times while holding it so it doesnt go in until i know for sure it is going to go in the box and be mailed. it is soooooooo overwhelming. i know how you feel. medicine has really helped me and i have heard that therapy can help too.

Thanks for your support in this, it helps to know I am not the only person that has OCD and it helps to know you know how I feel and the things you do, so thanks for sharing. I do have a therapist and I am on some medicine but I don't feel it helps my OCD, my psychiatrist might put me on different medicine, I see her on Tuesday of this week so I will see what she says. Thanks again for your support and for sharing it has helped me feel not so lonely, I really appreciate it, it means a lot to me.

i still struggle a little bit with the ocd its just not as bad as it was and the anxiety isnt as bad. im glad you feel better talking about it.it can feel really lonely if you dont know anyone else that is going through it like you are and if you dont have anyone to support you through it. hopefully you and your therapist can find something that will work for you. wishing you the best. :)

Thanks again Ashley except for you I really don't have anyone to talk to about my OCD, so I was feeling so lonely but I feel so less lonely having you and talking to you about it. So thanks again! Wishing you the best too.

im here anytime you need to talk hun. i know the frustration. we need more compassion and love in the world.also understanding. sometimes people laugh or get annoyed and i just wanna say leave me alone im not hurting anyone let me do my thing. we are human beings just like anyone else and deserve respect. how are you doing today?