I am really new to this how does this work?
You just tell us about how you are feeling, or whatever is on your mind.. How are you?
@MagiaMoonlight I feel numb, and I’ve felt like this for awhile now.
Was there something specific that triggered it? or do you remember when it started?
@MagiaMoonlight @AnonymousMess Thank you so much, and well I"m just struggling with my eating disorder my boyfriend ‘accidentally’ you know called me fat and for some reason i couldn’t help but to feel the need to throw up again.
Welcome to SG,Britney. :) As MagiaMoonlight mentioned, you share your feelings. You can scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the FAQs. Also,if you have any questions I'd be glad to help. :)
@britneyyxo (Sorry it has taken me so long to respond back)
Do you think he said this jokingly or did he seriously tell you that you were fat? Sometimes guys can be a little dense. They think they are being funny, but to any girl who has ever been poked fun of for being a little heavier the word "fat" is not joke.