I am so angry at myself I was suppose to go to laughing yoga tonight, I was really looking forward to it and we got to place of where it was at and then I found out that it was being held outside and well I have a severe phobia of bugs and so I didn't go. And I am just angry with myself that I once again didn't do something that I really enjoy cuz of my phobia, even if I did go all that would be on my mind is bugs and so I wouldn't of really enjoyed myself anyways. I have been getting just really angry at myself because of my phobia cuz it takes away me enjoying anything in life cuz I am constanly thinking is there a bug around and I have the urge to self harm right now cuz I am so angry at myself, I kinda feel like I should be punished. I am just so bummed out right now! Just needed to get my anger out!
dont be mad at yourself! if the bugs would have bothered you that bad then you probably did the right thing! i know it sucks because you were so looking forward to it! but thats ok! i agree with Reham, maybe you can find a class indoors! and if you cant then maybe your enjoyment of the class can overshadow the bugs! i hope you work it out! but dont be mad at yourself!
Hey Princess!! I haven't been able to be around much lately so I just now saw your post!! I'm so sorry that happened and I know this bug phobia is soooooo hard!! I agree that you should find a yoga class that's indoors!! Please don't be mad at yourself!! Believe me, I KNOW what that feels like and it's not a good thing!!
Sending my princess some great big hugs and an apology for not being around very much lately!! Are you enjoying this weather?? Who could have believed we'd have a 30 degree change in temps!!!! YIKES!!!
Don't ever be angry at yourself for something in which you can't control. You actually did the right thing and actually should give yourself credit. You put yourself first. That is the most important thing. The wrong thing would be too stick yourself in a situation that would be dangerous and negatively affecting your emotional state. So, the location did put a damper on things, but it won't be the first time that you'll have too pass on something because of that, it's not your fault!
I have to say that I admire the fact that you thought of yourself and said "I can't do this". It shows a great strength about yourself. My personal reaction would've been too try and stick myself there in some sort of way. I would've taken my anxiety pills and would've put myself in an uncomfortable situation just too soothe my ego and force myself too cope. That's the wrong thing too do. Continue working on you, and hopefully one day this phobia will be a distant memory, but don't waste time being hard on yourself, you're awesome and made the right decision for yourself!! Good job! tons of love...