hello. this is the first time posting in this group. I have always read ur posts and felt for you all and prayed for you. You are all such wonderful people,, amazing and super strong. my mom died of lymphoma in 2005 so i can understand about this disease.
i am going through a ton of health problems to the point it is shocking me . i feel i need a mental instiitution i am going through so much pain. i have fibromyalgia, crepitis, intersitial cystitis, muscle problems in bladder( urinary retention) IBS , migraines. i am crippled and cant walk much and so dizzy and so much pain. it is crazy. i am totally disabled and terrified my life has gotten so awful. pain has become my norm, i have no idea of what a pain free day is like.
the problem is , i found swollen lymph nodes under my armpits. i got scared and went to the doctor. i have also been getting nght sweats for the last 2 months. they are painful nodes and not hard. he thought it was a infection under arm and gave me antibiotics. i took them but they did not work and friday saturday andsunday i have been getting chills, fever, massive sweating, tummy aches, sore throat. my fiancee did have avirus a few days ago. but see, i got the swllem lymph nodes before that. i swear it was going down on the antiobitics but i messed up the dose. i was fine the day i took the last dose, i felt better. then my fiancee got sick, very very sick. then i got sick, like same as his. but we still have to check the lymph nodes
i showed my doctor and he is very upset and worried. i told him about the night sweats. he checked the lymph nodes and said i need to have them biopsied. great. could anything else happen to me????????????????? anything? no one has been more tortured than me , i swear, this is like, crazy. so now i need to schedule surgery look at the node. they are soooooooooo painful. i hear pain is a good sign that it is not cancer. it is not hard. but tender to touch.
so i am just freaking out. just sooooooooooooo upset. if someone could help ease my worreid, id sooooooooo appreciate it. thanks so much.
i cant have fibro, crepitits, iBS , intersittital cystiits, bladder problems and now possible, ummmmmmmmm cancer????????????
ughhhhhhh more worry and stress.
love and hugz to you all,