I am suffering with HOCD for almost 3 years. Avoiding naked man pictures, sitting near by man and avoiding man touch... not to find some reaction of my body (erection, arousal, butterflies,).... But I would never and never wish to have sexual contact with man, I find it weird... no wishes, no loves, no fantasies... But one idea came to my mind just 10 minutes ago and may be this is the answer for all my reactions?
So: the body reactions I have, is not because of I WANT SOMETHING WITH MAN, or I find man body sexual... NO!!!
this is because, nudity is coming closer to my nudity, and at this moment to feel something is very NATURAL... but in my case, problem is, that I ignore another person's nudity, which becomes stronger and stronger symbol... so I must not ignore it, but accept it... this way, the feelings I have, will disappear...
what do u think kind people?