I belong in this group too

I'm so stressed out do to my husbands issues, (see friends and family of addicts), of course like a lot of people right now jobs, money, all of that doesn't help. But if my husband would come back to the real world, then I think I wouldn't be so stressed out. I don't like being stressed, I've recently gotten really sick, and I know most of it is from stress. Stress is proven to corrupt body, mind, and soul. I'm on that slippery slope and need to find a way to stop it but at this point I just don't know how.
My other post was mostly about my husband and getting things off of my chest, this group/post is just for me, for my health and well being.
I used to be able to bounce back from any negative emotion real fast, but now I'm unhappy, angry, and worried all of the time. I don't want to take happy pills to take the edge off, couldn't afford them anyway if I was a pill person.
Any suggestions on how to find myself, the self that's fun, loving, and easy going would be appreciated.

imoverit, stress affects everything, body, mind, all that stuff. I know, my neck hurts, back hurts, i don’t want to deal with people. its no good. Can you take anytime out for yourself? for me, my stress relief is going outside to run or go for a walk and get fresh air. also deep breathing really helps. When my stress kicks in i take 3 big deeps breaths to calm myself down. also try a bath at night so you can be alone in the tub, maybe read a book and just relax. Hope something helps. feel better!