I bought a house on the internet on impulse with all my savings because I didn't want to go back to my old way of life. I am now the proud owner of a dog I don't want, a house I don't want, and in a life I don't want. OMG...what next. I tell my family til the grief is gone let me go. I don't work and need to, I don't count my acct and need too, I am losing it. I am not rich or famous. Just in a state of mind I can't fix. I have no money now so work has got to start soon...I hope I can do it. Letting go sux. Oh N THanks for being here.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ wilted kitty }}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Have you thought about attending a local support group?
Have you checked out the State's or the County's resources for professional help? I am sure they would have a sliding scale fee system.
wow your contagious..
I get confused just listening to you ;-)
Hello wilted kitty....Woe take a deep breath and exhale. I was were you are. When I was first seperated I went out of a spending spree. I never was a big spender but i went kinda crazy for awhile. Not sure why but I needed it, like a fix. Granted i didn't buy a house lol.. but i did do some major remodeling. Needed to get his finger prints off everything and start fresh with something that was mine. Thank god it didn't last long. Only lasted till the credit card statements came in.haha. After you exhale look at it as a new begining. A new life for you and a new way of thinking. You need to find yourself again. Remember deep breaths and take one hour at a time. Baby steps are ok. Keep in touch.
Gosh Wilted, glad your aware of the hole your digging by adding on too much stress. Now as the others said STOP, & focus on YOU. One thing at a time & dont buy anything else on impulse. Do think about counseling if affordable or obtainable. continuing letting us know how your doing.
Sounds like you were in a state of shock, are you getting any help ?