I can't believe how horrible this is

WOW. I just got Fibro. I have been taking meds and "diagnosed" for about month and a half. I have had PAIN for quite some time now and had no **** idea what it was and always thought that I had just worked to hard and there I went again and killed my body. now I know I have a name for it but still have pain and now also am getting fatter each day, can't remember a single thing (I feel like I turned stupid over night) and I can't sleep even though I am so extremely tired. All my life it was about career and family and about having a career for my family. Now I feel like my career is one of the reasons why I am here. I ache and hurt daily and when I see my kids is that I realize why I have to keep it up. I read how some can't even take a walk, work, cook dinner, or get out of bed and I wonder if that will be me that I will continue to get worse and worse even if my doctor says it isn't a disease like that.

I just don't know what to think and again I am in pain, gaining weight over night, and I feel like my brain is dying on me.

Does it get better or worse? I truly need to know the truth because I went from no medicine and normal to 5 daily meds! Help I don't know where to turn or who to speak to as I don't know anyone that has this in person and my family doesn't understand it...

YTG8, thank you for being here and for sharing with us. I am so sorry to hear about the pain that you are experiencing and for what you are going through. Would you mind my asking what type of work that you do and did your doctor tell you that this is the cause of your condition? As well, were you given any insight as to why it came on so quickly? Thank you!

As well, here is an informational site that I believe may be helpful to you;

Hi puppydoglvr,

Wow is right. The way you put it in writing about having fibro and how it
has affected you, Well said, i could not have said it better myself, i am 110% the same. Be Strong, together we will find ways that we will fight it.
Stay in touch

I have had fibro for almost 7 years now. When I first got it (17) I had sever pain. I couldn't do stairs and basically had to use a wheelchair while touring my college campus. I am sorry that you are in so much pain! It doesn't get worse. Personally mine has gotten better. Over time you learn how to manage the pain and find the right meds. I remember going to over 12 doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with me when a urologist told me about fibro. I went to a fibro specialist to get the trigger point test. He said I was like the 3rd youngest person in all of Milwaukee to get it. Also I had every single trigger point in pain which was also rare. It was bad, I had everything along with it, depression, fibro fog, vision changes, tmj...almost every symptom along with it. Well over the years I have moved to the south which I think has helped. I still have flare ups when I get stressed or overwork my body. At the moment the pain in mainly in my knees but overall has improved a ton. Biggest thing I have learned over the years- ask for help when you hurt. There are horror stories out there and you may experience "horror story" days but know that it is manageable and doctors are finding out more about it daily. You can control it, don't let it control you. Have any questions, let me know.

Sounds like you have gotten some pretty good advice from Jassy. I know a couple of people with it, one got extremely better and one managed and appeared to get better.
As far as the weight thing goes, although you cannot be too active while in such pain you can control what you eat. There are some free amazing tools you can use to manage that. I did sparkpeople.com and they have great calorie count and weight tracker tools. They have tons of recipes. You would be surprised at what you can eat when you moderate it. I lost 13 pounds in 4 weeks without hitting the gym, but for me I should have hit the gym. That weight loss was just from eating better. You can at least grab that and know that there is something that you do have control over. If you want any help with it let me know.
Best of luck to you!!

sparkpeople.com helped me lose 20 lbs. Eating healthy is def. a huge help. Though you may not have energy or pain free enough to cook at the moment, snacking healthy really makes a difference. And drink LOTS of water, makes you feel full and helps digest faster.