I can't cry anymore no matter how hard I try, but when i'm

I can't cry anymore no matter how hard I try, but when i'm cutting it feels like my wrists are crying and I feel alright inside.

1 Heart

Hi there, hugs and support to you. Thank you for sharing with us. Although cutting can give immediate relief from the pain we feel inside, it is really a band-aid fix for the real emotions on the inside. Cutting can almost be a distraction for what is really going on. It isn't that you need to cry, but that you need to find those words to let that pain out verbally. when we process, and talk about our pain, it is like scrubbing with alcohol a cut that has dirt on the inside. It hurts, it burns, but without getting the dirt our it will get infected. We are here for you, supporting you through it all.

1 Heart

who are you trying to convince, us or yourself? very poetic touch you have put on it... how bout next time you try paper and a pen as the tool? Just because we don't know you doesn't mean it doesn't hurt us to hear you say that. This is a community of people helping people find a way to stay away from these behaviors. since your here i already know that you don't want to do this to yourself, family or your friends for one more day. If you want to stop, we can help. If not, then please... vent away. i promise someone here will be there for you.
just please out of respect for me, and the others trying so hard not to relapse, don't post this ****...