I did what I didn't want to do. I asked my "dream girl" to p

I asked my "dream girl" to prom. I didn't want to, many of you suggested that should but as far as I was concerned it was already a "no" (and I was right). It wasn't until my life coach advised me to ask that I decided I would. He felt that I would feel better about it afterword. I didn't think I would but. So I asked her, and here's how it went down via twitter

"I'm sorry to do this to you. I know I said I wasn't gonna ask you to prom, but I don't wanna have any regrets. I realize that I've done a terrible job of getting to know you, like a terrible job. Every time I've tried to do something right it ended up being wrong and I'm really sorry. It's not who I am, I've done everything I can to approach you in person, but it's just not easy for me. You seem like a nice person and I'd like to get to know you better AS A FRIEND, that's all I've wanted. So with that in mind, I'd really like to take you to prom, I think it'd be a fun time and a great way for us to get to know each other, because I'm actually not that bad. I've been told I'm quite enjoyable. I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I'm really sick of "he said, she said." Thanks a lot, and if you can, just keep this between you and me. Thanks.

Her response
"I understand you don't want to have any regrets but I really think you should take a senior girl considering so many haven't gotten asked. I'm not trying to shut you down or be mean but I'll have 2 more years to go and so many girls that want to get asked haven't and I don't want to take anything away from all their senior proms! I don't dislike you at all but I think a senior girl deserves to get asked. If you still want to try and get to know me better before you leave you can come up to me at school! I'm not mean or anything I'll for sure talk."

I appreciated how nice she was, even though when you read into it, it's just a kind way of rejecting me. I knew it would happen, but for some reason, I don't know why, I feel better. At the very least, I'm gonna go to prom. At the very least, I've made (some) peace with the fact that I didn't get a date. When I really sit back and think about it, I get really upset, but if there's one thing I've learned in high school, it's that just because something doesn't work out the way you hoped it would doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I always thought the only way if be happy with my tennis career would be from a state championship. I never one won, but in return I received something much, much better. I hope that this is a similar case.

I did respond to her message…

"Thanks for being nice. I asked a few seniors who said no. Approaching someone seems easy, but it's so difficult for me. I've beaten myself up about it. A lot of people have. I've always been scared to talk to u because it seemed like you were afraid of me. Every time I walk past you, you'd look the other way. I really appreciate you being nice about it, & if you decide you want to go, I'll be around."

I feel like I'll regret this response because I made myself look stupid, which, when it comes to girls, I am. I just wanted her to know. I gotta talk to her before I graduate, I have to.

As far as prom is concerned, I'm going all out. I don't care if I sound vengeful, I'm gonna make every girl there wish they'd have gone with me.

5 Hearts

I think you did the right thing. To be honest although u dont realize this now prom is but isnt a big deal it wont be a deciding in who you are and become in life. She was being nice and who knows maybe you will meet someone at prom. All you can do is have a positive outlook which you seem to have, thats the important part. I didnt get to go to prom and honestly I dont think it made or broke me. Just remmber how awesome and amazing you are! One day someone will see that and Iove you for it. Im 31 and I just met my dream guy and we are getting married. So you never know when you will meet em! Go you! I have faith in ya!

1 Heart

@tweaver0222 agreed!!

Very good point! Im from the good ol days where we didnt have social media. I agree maybe you should try in person. Its like a break up it should be done face to face not through a txt. So as the saying goes try try again. If she says no again then at least you got a face to face response

Maybe when she looks away, it's because part of her is insecure and embarrassed too. You sound like a great guy, and I think it's awesome that you are going to prom anyway. Don't let anything get in the way of enjoying it. But, what others have said is totally the truth, it seems so important now, but in 10 years, it will just be another night replaced by a ton of memories that will be more important to you down the road.

Have fun and be confident!

1 Heart

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Social Anxiety