I don't get my ex. He broke up with me about 3 weeks ago, because he was tired of our arguments (only for the last months) and basically told me he lost some feelings and doesn't want delude me anymore. What I don't get is the way is treating me... He didn't reply to any texts in the first days, I asked him if one day we could be friends and never replied. Then I went NC to heal. Also he doesn't talk with mutual friends (about any topic, just ignore them) and my niece that asked him before the break up for some photos via Facebook chat. He never replied and only opened the message a few days ago. He still has a lot of our photos in his FB. I don't understand the way he's acting so cold and distant. He's like a ghost and I don't know how the handle the situation. I'm NC for now and maybe I won't break it, because I'm almost certain that he will ignore me.
Any help? Please?
if he keeps ignoring u dont devalue urself . stop beggin him , if he deserved u and really wanted u loved u .. he would show some care !