I've been bulimic for so long off and on again since I was 14, I'm 18 now & I don't know how to stop. I would love it if anyone shared their advice on how to stop. I'm currently vegan too. Please help me.
Xoxo Elle
Hi there, I'm not sure how much help I can be because I'm still battling bulimia myself, but what has personally helped me more than anything is counter-acting the feeling of being alone and isolated in my struggles. Having someone to talk to openly about it, someone to call or meet-up with whenever you're struggling with cravings, and simply having people to BE AROUND, make the urges to relapse dramatically lower for me. The more people I'm close to that I tell, the less strong the urges are.
Maybe try and think of ways to get yourself "out of your head" so-to-speak, meaning ways to not let yourself get sucked-in so deeply into your own thoughts...does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't! Teehee.
I really hope this helped you somehow, but anyway, keep posting here, because we're all here for that one sole reason: help. Thanks for coming here :)
I just joined...I am now 40 and was at the height of my bulimia in my 20s. For me, "recovering" meant, first, finding the right therapist. by that I mean one who specializes in eating disorders. the other thing I had to do, and this was the hardest part...was to tell someone. in my case, it was my mom. I thought i was alone, no one would ever get it or try to understand. thoguh she didn't fully "get it", she was able to support me in finding help. I hope this helps in some small way...keep talking about it and sharing...
Thanks you guys :) I've told my mom about it but that was two years ago, she monitored what I ate for about a week and made sure I ate then she just assumed it was gone. :( It "came" back about two days after telling her & now it's been two years and I really don't want to tell anyone. She thinks I have this amazing confidence & I love my body, but I just want to be thin. I don't even know how to start being myself again..
I’m sorry to hear that…it’s hard enough to deal with everyday. Know that you are not alone anymore. By reaching out, you are trying to heal. Our experience may be different, but I think we have all felt the pain you must be going through. It is my wish for you to find one thing about yourself that is beautiful today.
Im still struggling with bulimia and anorexia too. I am too 18 and started at age 14. I would just tell you to take it one day at a time. If you feel like binging, drink 1-2 cups of water before you start eating and that will help you feel full. Therefore, you wont eat that much. When you feel like purging, I would distract yourself. I clean or do school when I feel like purging. Just distract yourself and before you know it, that thought/urge wont be there as strong.
I hope that helps. Take care.