so, today i decided, i really need to buckle down and find myself a job. my boyfriends unemployment will not last forever. my friend and i had this great idea to search the internet for klocal jobs and apply. well, when i arrived back home, my boyfriends nemployment didnt come threw this week, to which we were going to use it to pay our rent and buy food. turns out, since we didnt get unemployment, his uncle(the one we rent the house from) will more than likely kick us out of the house we have been living in for 2 years, because we need another week. we cant afford food, so we are living off of rice and anything i can think of to whip together that would taste good. our nipsco bill is due in 2 days and we wont be able to pay it either. so we will be going without heat till monday. im loosing weight because im not eating really anything, its putting a straign on mine and my boyfriends relationship because we cannot spport ourselves financialy.i just want to sit here and cry, but i cant. i have to find a job or jobs. its just tearing me down, after i just built myself up.any advice to give aside from getting a job?
Food Stamps?
good plan. thx.
i got a new kitty too, so that cheered me up since my last one ran away n got hit by a car
Thats horrible :( I'm so sorry to hear that!
is there anyone who could help you out temporarily until you find a job?
sorry bout your kitty :-(