I Don't Undrtstand

I'm having a hard time understanding what these sites are all about.Or maybe I'm missing something. I thought I'd have ongoing dialogs when posting. This one would hope would be far more helpful than an occasional passing thought. People post daily journals but they don't post everyday. Whats up with that? Again an ongoing daily dialog would foster trusts,bonds and deeper understanding.Or am I missing something.Do most here communicate be e mail?.......Vennum

I dont really know why people dont post every day. Maybe they have other ways of communication. This is my first time using an online suport group. But from what i understand it does seem like it would be helpfull to build trust and bonds with the other people posting. But ya like i said im new at this so i dont really know how to answer your question. Maybe people just dont have all that much time so they cant post every day.


Since you're new to this try addictionsurvivors.org. there you'll find a kinder more understanding group of people who will communicate every day.do yourself a favor DON'T mention my name or any details on how I post.Lets just say I became too brutally honest for them.If its honesty you're looking for stick around. I'm attempting to bring the kinder atmosphere found there to this site.No luck so far but I've always dream about what could be.Oh ya if people want to be part timers in the world of a support group they don't need support at all and should ask them self why am I really doing this.There are so many threads to post on here its hard to keep track of who and where at times.howevrt nobody needs excuses here...........Vennum

O well i talked to a few other people on this site. and i think i like it. they all seem very nice and suportive.

vennum and Lyle,

I often get confused at times with this site. For example I joined the agoraphobia forum and their talking about TV shows (?) Don't quite et that one.

ya know I was thinkin the same thing comin to this site but it seems like their categories arent quite correct or relevant.