I dont want to be fat again

im so scared. im starting to put on weight again.i was fat when i was younger,like 3 yrs ago,and all any1 ever told me was that i was a little chubby. they lied.and now im putting on more weight on please i dont want to be any fatter -i cant be.i just get these cravings for food at night esp. sweet stuff. but when i have a little bit-i just go back for more and more and more.i tried to tell my mom that i want to go to a gym or do some more sport or smething but i think she thinks im anorexic . im not. and she isnt going to see im putting on weight until its too late and im a huge rhino.thats wat she did to my brother -he used to be a stick until he started to believe that he cud eat everything and not get fat-now , ppl make fun of him and my mum now sees it and he doesnt care but i do and i dont want to be fat .please please please nooooooooo.for as long as i can remember ive been chubby or fat. all ive ever wanted was abs -to be able to wear a bikini or a tight top. please help me b4 its too late .plz.

That was a lot written there.

I was chubby when I was a toddler and in kindergarten to 2nd grade. Then, I was small until I was 11 years old(Im now 18). I was diagnosed with a mental disorder and the meds made me gain so much weight. I became bulimic at age 14 which I wish I could take back. The kids around me were teasing me and I had to do something.

I went to a mental doctor and he told me that eating potatoes can help fill you up. Another doctor at a hospital told me that eating turkey can help you fill up. I usually fill up on turkey and potatoes. I always have turkey slices in my fridge.

Ive been gaining weight too and it is really hard. But, go on walks if you can. Dont be afraid to join the gym because just tell your mom that you are trying to be healthy. Thats the truth, isnt it?

Lastly, dont let anyone bring you down. Take care.

Hello....I hear your distress, and I'm sorry for both of you that you are feeling so unacceptable for many reasons.
I'm not sure if either of you have been assessed to determine if you have an eating disorder, but if you haven't, I suggest you do that.
This particular forum is not about losing weight. It's about normalizing eating patterns and separating any of those patterns from emotional distress.
Recovery from an eating disorder cannot be focused on losing weight. By restricting food, you will be led into the pattern of bingeing, which is what I think I 'hear' in your posts.
Accepting that we all are different is important, and recovery from an eating disorder involves eating normally and accepting our bodies for what they can do for us.
Please seek help for this mindset, and consider having an assessment by a mental health professional to determine what your true needs are.
But please don't promote dieting or weight loss here...because it's already a problem for the majority of people, in some respect. I do hope you find the help you need. Take care...Jan ♥

thank you and thanx for pointing that out for me . ill be more careful now.

Wishing you the best...please continue to share about your feelings, and what you are doing to find help to overcome this horrible problem. Take care...Jan ♥