I don't want to officially say I have bulimia, but I don't want to say that I don't either. I feel like I can control it, until I can't. It seems the only time I start purging is when my bpd is acting up, when I forget my meds, and when I am lonely, depressed, or anxious. I am purging more and more now. Why can't I just be skinny and happy? That's all I want anymore...
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Hi Samanthaf, I know those feelings... I 'understand' and 'get' them so well... I suffer from BPD and an ED. All that goes on in my head right now is, To eat, To purge, To guilt, To disgust 24/7... My BPD is at an 'All Time High' right now which, impacts on my ED and other problems / issues Suffer from... You can talk to me anytime. I will support you so you can send me a Priivate Message if you'd like too. I feel, I can open-up more freely on a one-to-one basis. Thinking about you... Sent with love, Trish x