I have been with a guy for 7 months now. We have had a really bumpy road. Basically I'll just tell the whole story, as short as I can.
I'm new to this site so I don't know if you're supposed to write a lot in these posts
We met the first week of college and have pretty much been inseparable since then. We spend at least 5 days out of the week together.
We both are kinda screwed up, we both have had hard home lives growing up, and we both were so lonely that we find such comfort in one another and get along really well. We literally have never had a real fight, we just talk about stuff we don't ever freak out on one another
I am in love with him. He is the most important person in my life and I feel so completely empty and worthless right now, I've been really stupid I guess.
We met in sept of last year and didn't actually start dating till the end of march.
Throughout all that time he's always been kinda distant from me, and I knew he had feelings for me, but he never really showed them and I always felt like I was the one chasing him.
So at spring break he tells me that he has feelings for one of his friends that he always talks too even though she lives 7 states away. So I was really hurt and just felt like he'd been using me for sex and company this whole time.
Then I basically told him that he needed to choose between me or her because I couldn't do it anymore. He picked me, but a lot of it I felt was because I'm here with him and convenient.
He is trying though, I know that he is a really good guy, but a few
The past month and a half have been really good for us, but I told him the other day that I'm in love with him and he told me he doesn't love me.
I've never felt so awful in my whole life, Like I gave my heart to someone and then they tell me that they don't love me or want a future with me....
Of course, it is very hurtful to hear that the other person does not have the same feelings. In one hand, he had been honest. In another hand he is taking advantage of your feelings. Just ask yourself honestly if you want to be in this relationship? Take time to reflect and then you can come to the right conclusion. You have to take care of your life. God bless you.
He has been honest with you, have you been honest with yourself? He says he doesn't love you, I know that hurts. Has he been using you? If you feel like it then he probably is. Don't be blinded by love, though I know it's hard. Making anyone pick between you and another person will usually end rocky. It forces a decision with the head not the heart, a split second decision. If he admitted having feelings for another person then his heart might still be there. You can't make someone love you back. He shouldn't make you feel awful about yourself. You deserve someone who does want to be with you. You have plenty of time to find that person.