lately, i feel like i can't do anything right. i try to do things that i think may help ppl or make them happy, and it seems like it ends up being the opposite.
and i just feel so unaccomplished and unsuccessful, unimportant.
and lately i am really really trying to get motivated enough to take care of what i need to, but i can't. and i don't know where all this came from. i was doing alright... i really was, but ever since june i'm just going down down again.
i feel so nothing - even at home here with my family, i feel so insignificant. my dogs love me, i know that much. i come home and their tails are wagging and they're so so so happy and it cheers me up. but my mom, dad, and little brother are negative. and it brings me down. and i feel like i can't be myself. i go to my room and try to muster up motivation to study, or paint, or anything. but i feel like i'm so bombarded with all this other **** that i just want to shut off.
i want to smoke a bowl. smoking mj helps my head shut off and i'm less anxious... even happy... motivated...
i feel very much me vs. the world right now.
i haven't been able to snap out of this lately and i'm crying at least like 2-3 times a day...
Hi Misst, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I totally understand the feeling of when it rains, it's a hailstorm at times. I really felt this way last week and the only thing that got me through the rough week was a positive outlook. I really honestly just focused on the positive in my life; I mediated and recited 3 things that I am grateful for and 3 things that I wish for. This always helps turn my energy around from that of negative to that of positive. I know that it may be difficult to shut your family's negativity out, but this is you time. You need to help yourself first, before you can help others in a happy and healthy way. Start by laying out realistic short and long-terms goals, and then take baby steps to achieving one day at a time. When we set unrealistic goals it can be really overwhelming for us, so that is why I stick to small ones that I can and will achieve. I know that you will get through this, take it one day at a time.
And, have you ever tried talking things through with your family and explaining how their negativity affects you. If you just let them know about your goals and aspirations, then maybe they will be more supportive. If that seems like a lost cause, then don't waste your time, as actions speak louder than words. And you will show them will your success.
I am sending you tons of positive energy and wishing you all of the very best.
Hey Misst,
What I have slowly come to realise, is that you can't give what you don't have in you so I think you need to start caring for yourself for a while. Now that doesn't mean having to block people out or be mean or selfish but you have to say "no missy it's time I came first" and really stick to it.
Do up a plan for your day tomorrow and what you are going to do for yourself this will keep you motivated. as puppy said meditate too, this is really good, because you only listen to yourself, no one else, it's your one-on-one time with yourself, and consciously mark out half an hour every day to do this, it helps to destress.
And start telling yourself you are of great value and you deserve good treatment and find positive things around you.
And I would recommend you knock off the weed, it is a major depressant. I was on it for a few years and I was in lousy form with it. It really can affect you long term. So if you could for yourself, stop smoking that would do wonders for yourself.
And sweetie you are very significant, please tell yourself these things, because they all come from within, say them out loud until you truly start to believe them.
You are doing fantastic, don't forget the wonderful person you are.
MissT, I totally agree with Moongal, getting off of the weed completely is really a positive step in the right direction. Don't try to numb your pain with it. You need a clear and concise mind to make it through this period of time. Each day will get easier and easier.
My amazing uncle, who is now a huge success, told me his life story and how he had negative people trying to knock him down each and every step of the way; from family to friends to business associates. He said that the higher you try to climb, the more people will try to drag you down. This negativity really motivated him, as he had an "I'll show all of you" attitude. So, he took the negative and turned it into a positive.
You will make it through this time and become stronger and stronger day by day and show all of these people how strong and amazing you are.
Each day for the next week, WRITE DOWN 3 things that were "GOOD" in your life that day. (Either something that you did, or something that happened to you that was good. It doesn't matter.)
At the end of that week, be SURE to read the list.
Next week, do the SAME THING!
At the end of each of those two weeks, tell us how you feel about it!!
Depression has those **** "bad" goggles in it. This can help you see things as the REALLY ARE.
(This little thing has helped me a LOT.)
Good luck!
That's such a great suggestion Gregczar, I think that it's so important to remind ourselves of all of the good in our lives and reading through this list is a fantastic reminder. Whereas, it's so easy to focus on the negative rather than the positive at times, and that can be a slippery slope. So, this list of positivity is brilliant. Thank you for sharing!
Talk to yourself and say Positive things.
Make goals,
Change your life style and find a hobby.
get around positive fun happy people.
TAKE each problem and confront it and solve it best you can and realize solved s solved, and over... Not all goes as we want but a solution is an answer.
I get stuck on the details... ***** about it should have been this or that, etc... I need to change too.
Such a great process Greg! I am a huge believer in doing things in baby steps; when making life changes, trying to make self-improvements, etc. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and when trying to make changes, it seems like a huge undertaking, that's why it's so good to break it down and take baby steps.
baby steps is exactly right. But I know that even then, you get overwhelmed and think that its not going to work in the long run. But remember that when you are not depressed, it doesn't always seem so hopeless. You only have to get yourself through the next depressive episode. I agree with all the above advice. Maybe you could talk to your parents and tell them that you may need to see a doctor, and don't be afraid to talk. Talk to them the way you expressed yourself here. My son has the same problem. He will talk and talk online or texting, but I can't always help him because he won't tell me what is bothering him.
I am praying for you and hope that you can feel better soon. Hang in there, just hold on. And keep on holding on.