I feel like am gay. What is causing this feeling. How does H

i feel like am gay. What is causing this feeling. How does HOCD make you feel like this.

I know how you feel man it is the devil. I got suicidal over this and it has destroyed eveything for me but you have to move on with life.

how did you get over it?

I havnt moved on from hocd but what keeps me going is that I haf harm ocd which I got over so I always say if I got over that irrational thought then I should get over this one. It is very difficult as it has changed my sexual drive and desire for women it hss made me get social anxiety aswell. It is very difficult. I wish I could know if I was truly straight I hate this.

1 Heart

It is part of your sexual obsessions and I have the same problem as you!

I had the same issue while having HOCD (but i didnt know) i started obsessing that i was gunna murder someone and it was odd to me that i was obsessing just like the way i did for being lesbian.
It helped me connect the dots and realize theyre intrusive thoughts

People with this illness show exactly the same symptoms. It must have to be true. We just can't change.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)