I feel like I'm in a small boat, just drifting in the middle

I feel like I'm in a small boat, just drifting in the middle of the ocean...

most of my life has been like this,
I could bear it when I was younger,
so I'm even more able to bear it now.

I have reached the shore before,
so it can and will happen again.

Until then, I just gotta make the best of what's been given to me.

More than just existing /surviving...

making the most of, appreciating the good things, where and when they are given to me.

And giving freely to others, where and when.

So at the same time as being in the middle of this ocean, I also get to continue to experience and share the experience of giving and receiving, sharing, like a waterfall or flowing river that never runs dry

Love the waterfall and the sounds thank you for this. I also understand the feeling of just drifting thru life :-)